Monday, November 14, 2011

Holiday Party Blog Hop - Day 2

TODAY is OUR blog hop day!
So here are the rules....
1. Check out ALL the blogs in the hop 
each day (we'll list them here everyday)
2. FIND the "hidden" Holiday word on each blog
3. At the end, hop on over to the Henry Glass Blog
list ALL the secret Holiday words to be entered 
for the GRAND PRIZE!
WHAT is the grand prize you may ask???

**Why, a bundle of wonderful Henry Glass fabric of course!
a small gift from EACH blogger!!!**  

Now THAT'S a present!

So....each blogger is also answering some Holiday
questions...ours get TWO answers since there's two of us!
(some have very similar answers, 
what else would you expect from us??) 
Here we go:

1. What is your favorite holiday food?
Liz: Cookies, hands down. There are cookies I only bake at Christmas time and my family looks forward to it every year. Most of the recipes are one's that have been passed down from my Mom and memories of baking with her in the kitchen every year!
Beth: Christmas cookies!  My grandma used to make what seemed like 47 different kinds of cookies each year...we couldn't WAIT to get to her house!  And she made candy...fudge & divinity.  I used to eat divinity 'til I was sick every year when I was a kid.

2. Does your family have a favorite holiday tradition?   
Liz: Oh my goodness, so many to choose from! One of our favorites is the Christmas music mix we do each year.  We find lots of funky twists on traditional tunes.  The tradition started when my husband worked at a record store in his teens and would do mixed tapes!  Been keeping it up a long time now.
Beth: On Christmas eve, we have "party foods". tons of different appetizers, finger foods, etc...and it usually lasts all afternoon and evening. My kids would freak out if we did something different for christmas eve dinner!

3. Did you like or hate sitting on Santa’s lap? 
Liz: Ok, I thought it was a little creepy. I think I only have pics of my two oldest kids with Santa.  
Beth: Really...what a crazy tradition!  It makes no sense, on so many levels.  I just remember waiting in line for Santa when my boys were little.  Wondering who was going to cry that year, and just WHAT they were going to say to him. 

4. Was there a gift that you really desperately wanted? Did you get it?  
Liz: Oh how I wanted Barbie's town house!  With the elevator???  But my sister wanted it too and I was sure she would get it.  I was the little sister, I got hand-me-downs.  When I opened that package on Christmas morning with MY name on it....oh I was the happiest little girl in the world! (I did share with my sister, and she added her plastic blow-up Barbie was one sweet pad.)
Beth: I always wanted a horse, and a room of my own. Never got the horse.  (And now I don't EVEN want one of those!)  And I did finally get my own room, in high school.  And I have one now, too--- my studio, which is a wonderful place to get away and create and enjoy the solitude.

5. What’s your favorite holiday movie?  
Liz: "It's a Wonderful Life" - we watch it each year as a whole family.  LOVE it!
Beth: I like so many holiday movies.  But it's gotta be "A Christmas Story".  Makes me laugh every time.

6. Favorite holiday song?   
Liz: Oh dear...that depends on the year!  But I'm a HUGE fan of Ella Fitzgerald.  Her Swingin' Christmas is what we listen to while opening gifts on Christmas morning.  The first few bars of her "Jingle Bells" gets us hoppin'!
Beth: The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. He had the BEST voice!

Found this one just recently...totally makes me laugh...and think of EGGNOG....

7. Do you make many holiday presents? What do you like to give?  
Liz: I do like to make presents...I have good intentions anyway.  I like to give something made out of fabric because it really is a labor of love, and I know the one on the receiving end appreciates it.  
Beth: I would like to say YES, of course!  I always have high hopes, or fleeting thoughts at least...but usually I just run out of time. I don't start thinking about Christmas til at least Thanksgiving!

8. Would you prefer a large fully decorated tree or one like Charlie Brown’s tree?  
Liz: I'm with Beth here...I like both!  Lots of trees decorate my house, but the main one is a fully decorated 15-footer!
Beth: I like both!  Sometimes we have more than one tree... I have a huge "upside-down" christmas tree that I like to decorate with just snowmen and snowy looking things.  My family hates it because it is really hard to set up (even though I hang all the ornaments!)  They groan every year. But that's why I have all these men around here, right?

9. If you could go back in time, when would you say was your most favorite holiday memory?
Liz: Playing games with my siblings during Christmas break!  Eating cookies, listening to music, playing our board games.  We always got new games for Christmas.  Santa was no dummy (...there were six kids that had to be entertained!)

Beth: Just every year when I was a kid...trekking the (we thought long) one-hour in the car to my grandparents house for Christmas day.  It was the same every year...the tons of food, goodies, family.  Loved it!  And miss it.

10. Do you like a big family gathering at the holidays or do you prefer a small dinner followed by hot chocolate by the fire?

Liz: BOTH! I have so much fun with my family, it wouldn't be Christmas without them! But I love quiet evenings by the fire.  And I wouldn't turn down a cup of hot chocolate or, my favorite....EGGNOG. (with nutmeg, of course!) I make it homemade every year for Christmas Eve.
Beth: Can I say a big family party, and THEN when they all leave, quiet time by the fire?!  The best of both worlds!

Now...for the FREEBIE project you've ALL been waiting for!
Here ya go.  It's called...
We Put a Bird on It!
HAHA! No actually, we couldn't think of a name we liked so we thought, HEY, why not ask our PEEPS???

Leave us a comment with the name YOU think fits this project.  Whichever name we like best....WINS A PRIZE!
(there could be runner-up prizes too, there might be a lot of creative names out there!)

**Click Here for PDF download**

The other blogger for today is: 

*click here*

Have you guessed our word yet?  Here's another hint....


  1. Oooh love that birdie so cutie and colorful for Christmas. Thanks for the free pattern. I think the birdie pattern should be called "Cre8ive Christmas Dove"

  2. Adorable pillow. I would name it "True Love' from the Christmas song Twelve Days of Christmas -

    The first verse runs:
    On the first day of Christmas, my TRUE LOVE gave to me... A Partridge in a Pear Tree.

  3. Oh how I hate naming poor dog is name Diogy. Sounds like D-O-G! So....let's see...

    The names that come to mind are def not Christmas related, like Out on a Limb. Having said that I think I will go with "Pear for a Partridge." I warned you I suck at this!

  4. I'm with her - I hate naming things. And I can't think of anything clever this early in the morning. I DO like the pillow :) laurie

  5. Lovely pattern! Not sure for a name.. Maybe "Tweetness".

  6. What a lovely pillow! Naming is really a thing... perhaps Christmas or Noel twitterings?

  7. I am thinking something very pretty like the pillow - Premier Jour de Noël (First Day of Christmas) as in the song! Maybe it will be the first pillow of a set! Very pretty - Merci!

  8. Thank you so much for the pattern!! Will be downloading ASAP!!! Now,for the name...Noel Partridge? Simple but sweet!!


  9. This was a fun post! I can't really think of any thing but Partridge Pear! Thanks for sharing

  10. How about "Gifts of the Season" since the partridge is the first of many gifts offered in the song.

  11. Nice pillow design. Maybe you could name it The First Day after the song even though it is the SECOND day of this hop.

  12. Nice pillow, love applique. Noel Pears??

  13. This is so hard....we're Jewish. Kinda missed the boat on the whole Christmas music thing. I have to go with "Keith", he was my favorite Partridge!

  14. Love your wooly partridge pillow... have to get the wools out and make this one!

    I love agent99's suggestion... I like short names!

  15. Love your little pillow - my name is "The Pear Dilemna" Thank you for this opportunity. Judy C

  16. I'm not typically very good at naming things either. Sure like the suggestions that have been made so far! How about "Fruit of the Season"?

  17. Thanks for a fun blog hop! And a cute pillow pattern. I am terrible at names!! umm... Pear tree pillow is the best I can do. LOL

  18. My True Love's Gift

    But no matter what you name it, it is a cutie! Thanks.

  19. I suppose "Partridge in a Pear Tree" is too blah. So, perhaps..."The First Day of Christmas".

  20. The origin of 'partridge in a pear tree' comes from the mythical tale of Perdix (Athene's King) who was carried to Heaven in the form of a bird by the Godess Athena who was known as 'the mother of all Pear Trees). Perdix means "the lost one" and Noel in many old language means birth - You have the name already on the pillow.

  21. Love the Partridge pillow. The bird looks serious to me, so I'd call in "In Contemplation of Pears". That's a mouthful!

  22. I like Partridge in a Pear Tree!

  23. Wow, I just Love this Pillow! Names...Noël Oiseau(Christmas Bird in French) Thank~you for for the Pattern and the chance to name your Pillow and Win!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  24. I am bad at naming items but how about "Christridge".

  25. I am not good at naming but thought your bird looked like he had curls so I would call him the Curly bird in the Pear tree.

  26. How about "Fruit and Fowl"? Thanks for the cute pattern. Kathie L in Allentown

  27. Love this pillow! I knew you would come up with something fabulous! As far as a name for this about....A Partridge and a Pear
    YaDa, YaDa, YaDa!!

  28. Love your project and a fun one to do.
    Nope, not coming up with much, lol.
    All I can think of is Christmas Partridge.


  29. Very cute pillow. thanks for the pattern.

  30. The pillow pattern is a cutey. I will be making this pillow for myself. I am thinking about names - maybe My True Love; Rojo (red in spanish) or even Uno (means one). We are having a fun Jolly Holiday Blog Hop. How about Merry? It has to do with Christmas.

    Sandi T.

  31. Beautiful cuison, "MERRY-PARTRIGE" ☺
    Bente - Germany

  32. Cute pillow, but I'm terrible at naming things. Hope someone comes up with a smashing idea!

  33. go for simple: noel pillow! lovely pattern!

  34. Naming things is so hard for me - how about "On the First Day of Christmas?"

  35. "perdrix dans un poirier"...supposedly french for partridge in a pear tree. Love the pattern no matter what it's name is! Thank you!

  36. Thanks for the pattern. Love to work with wool.
    How about PEARADICE.

  37. Peartridge in a Par Tree. :)
    Or First Day Love pillow?
    Sorry, no good at naming things.
    Cute pillow whatever the name may be.

  38. maybe the PPP or triple P or 3xp. Patridge Peartree Pillow (Pattern)
    new follower here :-)

  39. I think you came up with a pretty good name. Or "I always wanted a bird for Christmas". I did, too - I wanted a parakeet when I was 10 and I got it!

  40. Cute pillow.No good naming but what about xmas pear tree.

  41. Hi! Thanks for the wonderful pattern and the givewaway, I'm going to start it today, maybe get some EGGNOG to sip will sewing! I love wool applique!
    I suggest Christmas Fruits for a name!
    Take care, Leslie

  42. Thanks so much for a fun post and the adorable pattern. I guess I would call it the "Pesky Partridge" Hugs...

  43. "Love ApPEARant" That is my best attempt at a name. But I do love the pillow whatever you decide to name it.

  44. That pear looks too big for the partridge it would be a FEAST for the bird. Maybe call it "Birdies Feast" or "Elusive Pear".

  45. I have not read all the other suggestions, but I would call it Pieceful Partridge :-) Thanks for the very cute tutorial.

  46. I have a hard enough time naming my own quilts - yikes - well, you have noel on there so could you call it "Noel, the Bird on a (Pear) Tree"?

    Adorable pattern none-the-less.

  47. I'd call it "Pear-y Christmas." Thanks for the pattern and giveaway!

  48. Cute little pillow, and sneaky secret word is wonderful with a little brandy in it!! :-)

  49. The last thing that I named was a baby bottle calf....T-BONE. Are you sure you want me to tackle this???? LOL ! Maybe "A Partridge and a Pear" Thanks!! Tammy


  51. The first thing I thought of was "up a Pear Tree".

  52. It isn't easy to come up with a name for your sweet pillow "The Christmas Pear" is what popped into my head.

  53. Very Cute. Are those crystals on the pear?
    "Pearfectly Tweet" or "The Tweetest Gift of All"

  54. It looks like everyone else had the same idea as me.... partridge in a pear tree or partridge family Christmas Sooo how about Christmas Beginnings

  55. I think "Joyeux Noel" is a nice name and says it all.

  56. I would just call it "First Day", people will fill in the rest. Thanks so much for the pattern.

  57. I would call it "The Sentinel" who is keeping watch over the first day and that delightful and enticing pear! Nola

  58. Wow, Cre8ive Girls, what an adorable pillow! I think you should name it "(There's) No "L" in Partridge". Actually there's no "L" in pear either, but that's another story! LOL. Have lots of holiday fun! Kd

  59. I love the colours and design of this pillow... how about "Season's Tweetings" for a name?

  60. a pear for noel? I am so not good at naming things, but I had to play!

  61. So pretty...I'd call it "PEAR~FECTLY TWEET"!! cwayons(at)yahoo(dot)com

  62. How about...Perplexed Partridge Ponders Pear! Ok a bit much I know. But...why not?!

  63. Your pillow is beautiful and now I could really go for an Egg Nog. My name for the pillow is Le Oiseau de Noel or The Christmas Bird.

  64. I took one look at the Holiday pillow and said, "A partridge in a pear tree!" I thought after a moment, "What a clever way to represent that verse of the 12 Days of Christmas." I know it is not original, but I can't call it anything else! It is the "Partridge in a Pear Tree".

  65. Your pillow is lovely but I don't have a great name for it. I guess I'd call it Season's Greeting.

  66. Thanks for the cute pattern. I'm on a stitchery kick right now so this is right up my alley. Love your blog answers!

  67. "A Lovely Pair, Just Sitting There" Is my thought!

  68. The pillow is beautiful but you gave us a a difficult job. I have been thinking for awhile and came up with some that have already been used so here is what I finally came up with. Partridge for a True Love Pair. That is the best I can do.

  69. I'd name it "Pillow in a pear tree"
    essicajmj AT

  70. aww... i love chritmas memories and ramblings. the pillows adorable and thought that 'Lovely Dove-y Christmas Pillow' sounded good.

  71. Hmmmm... I've got a few ideas, but guess I'll go with --" How does he love me? Let me count the ways..." :-)Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. I am not very good at naming my own quilts but how about "From my Beloved" for the pillow.
    Thanks for the pattern. It is very cute.

  73. Love that pillow!! I think I'm going to break out in a sweat thinking of a name for it! I am really bad at coming up with names. All I can think of is the song and Partridge in a Pear Tree or First Day of Christmas...groan. I'm sure you'll have some great names by the end of the day!

  74. Adorable project....maybe it's a pear in a partridge tree? Grin. I think the other comments have better names! Heehee!

  75. I love the pillow, it made up so cute..I think a good name would be "The Christmas "Pear-tridge" Pillow"

  76. A Partridge in a Pear Tree. It cannot be anything else>
    It is a great project.

  77. Call the pillow "Whilst looking for eggnog ...I found a"
    Love the pillow and really love the deck the halls stocking

  78. I am not creative with names but I decided to enter Pearfectly Christmas. This darling pillow may have to join Jillilly's pillow on my sofa.

  79. I suck at thinking up names for things, how about - Is THAT my gift - a pear?

  80. Beautiful pillow. How about Peariful Partridge?
    Can't wait to make them.

  81. A Pear On A Partridge's Tree!
    ...after all, the pear is the first thing I saw!

  82. Thanks for the great pillow pattern!!! I think it should be called 'Le Pare Noel'...yes pear isnt spelt right but I thought it looked better :)

  83. It may be trite and overused, but I'd call it Partridge in a Pear tree pillow. Lack of creativity? probably, but it does accurately describe the product!

  84. How about "A Cre8tive Christmas" pillow? Cute pillow. Thanks for the pattern.

  85. I would call it First Day, then you can follow up with Second Day etc. and do the whole song. Thanks for the pattern.

  86. Love it - How about Noel Partridge

  87. What an adorable pillow...and I LOVE applique! Terrible at names...but how about "A Peary Merry Christmas"?

  88. Great post - I loved reading all the answers to those questions.

    On naming the great pillow (thank you for the pattern too) I think because by leaving off the word "Noel" you can use it all year long, maybe something like Dove Love or something like that might be a good name. Like a few others, I am horrible at naming things. My own children are lucky they even have names or that they don't all have the same name with 1,2, or 3 after it to distinguish which one they are. HA

  89. Lovely pattern. So many wonderful names already. Christmas pear tree tweeter.

  90. I too have a terrible time naming things. I've named my cats after my old aunts and uncles. How about "Poire Noel". Thanks love the pillow.

  91. A Perfect Pear!! Thank you so much for sharing the pattern with us!!!

  92. How about "The Second Day of Christmas?" I suppose someone already said that; I didn't read alllll the comments. Love the design. Thanks!

  93. I'd say partridge pear!

  94. I think Noel, Noel! Such a cute design.

  95. I'd call it A Partridge on a Pear Pillow! (sung to the tune of A Partridge in a Pear Tree).

    Thanks for the fun pattern.

  96. Very cute pillow! How about "On the First Day"?

  97. Very cute pattern! I would like to call it "A Partridge Feast" He looks "hungry on a winter night" (another one)!! LOL Thank you!

  98. I would call it "So Much Better Than a Live One!"

  99. What a lovely pillow, this pattern also would be lovely in a tree skirt. my contribution is, "Oh Silent Bird!"

  100. Two P's are in a Tree.... I kept getting caught up with the song in my head. Another one might be a Song from a Christmas bird or a Sing a song of the Season...
    It is a lovely pillow and would look beautiful to celebrate the Christmas Season
    Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop- there are so many lovely things to see.
    Warmest regards,

  101. Great pillow! I'm not too creative tonight, but how about "Happy bird-day to you"?

    Sandy A

  102. I thought of Peartridge. A play on words

  103. Darling pillow! I can't begin to think of a name. I am all named out. You guys are awesome as usual. Happy hopping!

  104. Bartlett and Birdie OR Birdie Bartlett. I don't know! What ever you call it, it's cute.

  105. Love the pillow! Christmas Parpearee'

    Judy T

  106. A Christmas Partridge Pillow. I didn't read the other comments, but I'm sure someone has come up with the same idea. Love the pillow!

  107. Pretty Pillow-"We Make a Great Pear"

  108. The pillow is adorable. How about True Love Gifts. Not so good at naming things. Happy Jolly Holiday Blog Hopping!

  109. P cubed = partridge pear pillow
    Really nice pattern - thanks!

  110. This pillow is darling, I really love it! I think it should be called the Pear in the Partridge Tree! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful project.

  111. It is what it is - Partridge in a Pear Tree Pillow! It deserves a special spot for holiday decorating.

  112. Well, you could name it "Non-Pear-El". (nonpareil: without equal).

    Love the pillow, by the way. Sweetly elegant.

  113. My name for the pillow is "What Did The Partridge Say To The Pear? - No-el"

  114. Love the pillow ladies! It's adorable and I think I must make one! your post is great hope you are both well!

  115. Cute pillow. How about "Chillin in the Pear Tree"

  116. Le Bosc Noel or My Love's Gift

  117. In honor of the curlicues on the Partridge's head: "Fascinator in a Pear Tree". It was the first thing I thought of when I looked at the design.

  118. This pillow is sooooo cute - I love it! I like a simple name, how about "Noel Tweet". Thanks for posting and sharing - blessings, Bev

  119. Oh I love your pillow! Thanks for the pattern as well. How about "Christmas Peeps" or "Christmas Tweets".

    Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.


  120. It's a gorgeous pillow. Thanks for the pattern. I am thinking Perched in a Pear Tree.

  121. Not feeling very inspired even though I love your applique project. How about Holiday Nest? Have a wonderful holiday season!

  122. The only title I can think of is "Bring on the Brie" Not to go with the Partridge but with the Pear!

  123. Oh my goodness! that is the cutest pillow ever! let's call it "Perfectly Paired" or is that "Perfectly Peared?"

  124. How cute! Hmmm, loads of good suggestions above. All i can think of is "percy's pear" and I'm not even sure why!

  125. How about "My True Love" or "A Pretty Partridge" ...
    Thanks for the lovely pattern and the giveaway!

  126. "Chirpy Christmas"..........very nice..........have fun...........

  127. What about "Gifts of Love". ?? Lovely pattern, and this blog hop is fun. Thanks.

  128. Fun hop. Thanks for the pattern and quiz answers."Patridge in a Pear tree".Obviously pattern naming is my Specialty:)

  129. Naming patterns is not my gift, I am sorta blank. I think it should be calledBeautiful Bird in a Tree.

  130. Brenda sent me!
    I love the Patridge in a pear tree too! I wrote that down and thought others would have the name too!TFS!!

  131. Very cute pillow. My first thought was "Noel the Patridge".

  132. I just really want the pillow! no pattern for me! pretty pretty please... AND maybe you should just call it "noel"?

  133. Noel's Pear Tree OR Noel In A Pear Tree
    Thanks for the cute pattern. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  134. Christmas Love Dove. Thanks for the giveaway.

  135. Sorry, but it is self-explanatory - "Partridge in a Pear Tree".... It's adorable, thank you for sharing. Great Blog Hop. Have a nice Christmas.

  136. Polly Patridge, Rocking the Pear Tree with Polly.

  137. The bird and the Pear... well..... Loving the blog hop, thanks for the chance to win.

  138. Christmas Pheasant (a play on Christmas present?)
    thank you for the chance, and the laughs!!

  139. Thanks for the wonderful pillow pattern.How about the name Partridge Perched in a Pear Tree or just Perched Pretty. Thanks for the chance to win.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! We love hearing from you.