Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Happy "day after" the 4th of JULY!

And what a day it is.  We hope all you American peeps got to see some kind of fantastic firework show this weekend.  I love fireworks from start to finish, but I gotta say, it's all just a build up to the GRAND FINALE at the end, when it seems like a MILLION go off at once and light up the sky. 

Well TODAY, we're building up to our OWN Grand Finale of the AURIFIL BLOG HOP!

Remember the blog hop waaaay back in Feb?  You know, nine bloggers, building the word Aurifil, and 2 fabrics to create 9 unique blocks. Well, it's time to finish it up, put all those freebie blocks together and make us a quilt.  It's the GRAND FINALE of all blog hops!  Starting TODAY and ending FRIDAY.  7 of us bloggers will 'judge' the setting fabric options and build the quilt together.

Once again, the blog hop will be hosted by the very creative and fun

And YES, of COURSE there will be prizes....on Pat Sloan's blog, and the fabulous Aurifil will  be giving away a box of her designer 
Aurifil 40 wt.  AWESOME!

Click HERE to hop on over to the Aurifil blog to SEE all the blocks we made and refresh your memory!

Not to mention, there MAY be other giveaways on all the designers blogs as well, JUST to keep things interesting and make sure we have LOTS of winners.  But I'll get to that in a moment....

FIRST, let's make sure ya know what ya need to DO on this blog hop, because honestly, who do you think we are just givin' stuff away for free?! (LOL!) We need your HELP designing the final quilt.   So where to begin?

1. Hop on over to Pat Sloan's  blog EVERY day. She will be showing different design options for the blocks each day.
2. Leave a comment, or vote really, on which setting you like best,  on Pat's blog any time between  July 5th and July 10th.

I already know which one I LIKE...I wonder which you'll choose?

So back to OUR little giveaway....we need your help deciding.
Just WHAT shall we give???

A package of Aurifil thread?

A copy of our NEW book filled with 7 fast, fun, fresh NEW quilt patterns?

A little bundle of our NEW Hip Happy fabric line??

Hmmm.  So hard to choose.  Tell us what YOU think?  Leave us a comment on what you think WE should giveaway on Friday, and you just might be a winner too!

Happy Hoppin'!


  1. Well, I wouldn't be opposed to any of those delightful gifties they are all awesome!!

  2. All 3 would be awesome, but I would love to give that aurifil thread a try :)

  3. If you give away a copy of the book, then the winner can make many quilty items out of AuriFil thread and your fabrics!!!

  4. Wow too hard to choose! I've never used the Aurifil thread, but I always love new books, and new fabric :-) But I'd really love to try the thread. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Wow to pick just one? Ok I would so love the fabrics. How can you go wrong. :o)

  6. I love the Hip Happy fabric and would love to win them.

  7. I would love to win any of these. If I have to choose, I have been wanting to try the Aurifil Thread. Thanks.

  8. Wow, that's a hard one. I love Aurifil thread but what quilter would turn down cute fabric? And books, I'm a book junkie. Maybe you should give away all three.

  9. It's too early for such big decisions!! I love ALL three!! You decide!! Paulette

  10. Now, girls, you know this is a really big GRAND FINALE, so you need to give away ALL of those prizes and more! Go for it. Be Cre8tive! It doesn't get any bigger or better than this. Love you Lizzies!

  11. I vote for a bundle of your new fabric line. I girl can always use more fabric, right? :-) Thank you for the great give-away. Take care and God bless, Cory

  12. Oh Lord have mercy! I have to decide which one I'd prefer? Decisions, decisions, decisions. hmmmm...

    I really would love the fabric but I'm dying to try out the thread. Decisions decisions decisions.

    I'm thinking I want the thread because I can't find it locally (yet). I can always get Happy fabric somewhere. :-)

  13. I haven't tried Aurifil thread yet, but I love that fabric so I vote for the fabric!

  14. Give away 3 prizes! I want the fabric!

  15. All great prizes...would be thrilled to win any (or all) of them!!! Thanks for the chance :)

  16. They are all great but I must say,the Aurifil wins out - no stores in my area carry it.

  17. All three are wonderful prizes -- that would be my choice :)

  18. You should give it ALL away. :) You know that you want to. :)

    I'd love the thread, tho the others would be nice prizes, too

  19. Since I have a lovely selection of Aurifil thread (which I love), a nice stack of your fabbies would be great in my stash. Love your block.
    Karen in Tucson

  20. that's easy of course - all 3 - lol but any one of the three is great! who doesn't love thread, quilting books and fabric? thanks so much.blogspot isn't working for me right now so here's my email

  21. I'd love some colors of the Aurifil thread -- all I have is black right now -- so that's my vote!

  22. Well, since this is an Aurifil hop, you have to include some thread to sew up one of the designs from the book using those great FQ's. ;o)

  23. do make your choice the new book 'quiltin' happy'. it would be nice to have fresh, new patterns at hand.




  25. Tough choice! Any one of the three prizes is more than enough to set this quilter's heart beating faster. ;o)

    Maybe you should just offer the winner to pick her prize?

    Thanks for a great giveaway! I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  26. Oh, fabric, always give fabric!!!

  27. They all would be a great prize, but my choice would be the Aurifil thread

  28. Oh choices, choices, well I would have to choose the fabric.

    esterling1923 at gmail dot com

  29. Wow, that is a hard choice to make, the fabrics are so cute and the book would be an awesome prize too, and the thread is great too. I really can't decide, I think any one of them would be so awesome to win. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!!

  30. Well, too much is never enough, so all of it! If I had to choose I guess I'd pick the thread since I've never used this brand before. Thanks!

  31. I think you should choose for a copy of your new book! I'm starting to enjoy the fast projects more and more (o: Quiltin' happy would make me very happy (o:

    PS: Love the block you made!

  32. Wow they are all great prizes! If I have to pick just one I would have to go with the fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. I think you should give away all three!! TO ME!!! LOL.

  34. The fabric looks darling but I love the thread and run out of it constantly.

  35. What great looking fabric! That's what I would choose, if I HAD to, but really all three are amazing.

  36. I would take the Fabric or the Book, you could always autographed it, too!

  37. Since it's an Aurifil blog hop, it seems like the thread would be appropriate. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. What a great package all three would make and they work together so well! One needs all three to make such cute fabric into cute blocks. It would make three people happy if you split them up though! I personally would really like to try the Aurifil thread.

  39. I would want the package of thread.

  40. VERY tough choice! All of the above?
    If I have to pick just one, I'd choose fabric :-).

    LeAnn aka pasqueflower

  41. I would just love to win the Aurifil Thread.
    Awesome prize. Thanks!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I have tried all of the Aurifil Thread, thick and thin. I love to win this lovely Aurifil Thread! :-)

  44. Any of the 3 would be great, but I'd choose the Aurifil thread first.

  45. I would choose the thread first, since we can't get that brand around here. Second would be that awesome fabric!

  46. Guess I'm like so many others here. ALL THREE because it is too hard to choose. I don't have any thread like the Aurifil. Love the cute fabric-I'm a fabric junkie. And I can never have too many books.

  47. Hi...no brainer here, all three gifts. You need fabric, a great pattern, and thread to make something fabulous. Thank you for a chance to win. lalively3@gmail.com

  48. Of course I think all three is the best bet :) But I think your book would be most fun!

  49. Well, I'd like to win all three, but if I have to choose, I would take the fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.

  50. I agree with the others all three would be wonderfull but if I have to choose it would be the thread.

  51. Oh my!!! Everything is wonderful; but I would like to try out the Aurifil Threads....thand you for this...

  52. They all look like great prizes to win but I love seeing new patterns so I am sure your lucky winner would love the new book.

  53. Silly question ... plus that choice is too tough, so ... all 3!

  54. i think all three deserve to be given away, but i do like fabric the best.

  55. I think you should give away all 3! That would be a great giveaway. I'm just saying!

  56. All three prizes are fantastic. There can be three lucky winners. I hope I'm one of them.

  57. Why pick just one? Greedy girl that I am - giveaway all three - Sharing girl is kicking in though - split the three prizes. Sensible girl says, have 3 separate giveaways. Gracious girl on my shoulder says, You are very generous to consider these prizes as giveaways. Thank you.

  58. Thread of course! I'm dying to try this thread!

  59. Difficult choice between the thread and the book. I'd be tickled to win anything. Thank you.

  60. You guys are the best. I have enjoyed your two ezines that you have produced, thank you very much! And since I am already a HUGE fan of Aurifil thread, I would be inclined to be tickled with the Hip Happy Fabric bundle myself! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  61. I love the thread but have to vote for your book!

  62. I really think that a gift of all three would go well together or three sewers could be happy with one. Fabric would be my first choice, book the second.

  63. Well...I already have a lot of fabric, so it's between the book and thread, I think I'll go with the book as I love the idea of fast and fun quilts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. The fabric line any day please!

    Thanks for sharing.

  65. Love your blog! I would love the fabric from the giveaway.

  66. Ok that is a really hard choice!! You book is awesome I know. But I don't have time for more projects right now so how about giving away some of that yummy Aurifil thread!!

  67. I think anything of these three would do! :-)

  68. I think I'll say the thread, but all of the options look wonderful.

  69. My choice would be all three. Thanks for the giveaway.

  70. One block??? Wow! Hmmmm... well because I do machine embroidery, I'm going to pick Nikki's block as there is a large enough square to make an embroidery on it... but I could use them all!! And giveaways?? Giving away your knowledge is a gift in itself...thank you!!

  71. I would be delighted to win any of these goodies!

  72. All the prizes are great, but I'd LOVE your book. I haven't seen this one.

  73. All three are awesome, but since it is an Aurifil blog hop the thread would be the obvious choice. But the fabric looks so pretty....and the book....

  74. I only recently found Aurifil thread to try, and it was INSTANT love, so my vote is a no-brainer! Despite being a book lover and a fabric hoard...the THREAD is the big winner in my mind :0)

  75. Each one of those prizes is wonderful. I think you should make three people happy.

  76. How can a quilter/fabricholic even begin to choose between those 3 prizes? The brain runs from one possibility to the next. I love the colors of the fabric though, so that is what I will have to choose.

  77. No way to pick!! I just about dropped to the floor when I saw that wonderful fabric... but I always love the ideas and inspiration from a book... and I've never tried Aurifil thread... so, any of the above would make a FABULOUS prize :)


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